

Intermediate B1 | 1000 Headwords | Classic

William Shakespeare - Illustrated by Simone Rea. Adaptation and activities by Janet Borsbey and Ruth Swan.

‘There’s daggers in men’s smiles’ (Act II, Sc. III) Tag Ambition Power
Scotland in the 11th century. Macbeth is a brave general, loyal to King Duncan and to Scotland. Until, that is, he meets three evil witches after a battle against King Duncan’s enemies. They tell him that one day he, Macbeth, will be King of Scotland. This is the beginning of a story of ambition and evil, involving him and his calculating wife, Lady Macbeth. What follows leads them to terrible violence, murder, madness and ultimately to their own destruction.

Nouns: complex noun phrases
Verbs: Present Perfect Simple: unfinished past with for and since, recent past with just, Past Perfect Simple, reported speech, should for obligation, would for hypothesis and polite requests, must for deduction, may for possibility
Types of Clause: type-two conditionals, conditionals with unless, clauses with although, clauses with so... that, time clauses with as soon as, until, before and after

In this Reader you will find: 
Focus on… | PET-style activities | Glossary of difficult words | Exit Test - Comprehension activities | A section focusing on CLIL Physical Geography Scotland in the 11th century.

Ambition | Power

Purchasing info
TitleISBN code
Title Macbeth ISBN code
ISBN 9788853632364


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