Uncle Jack and the Forest Fire

Uncle Jack and the Forest Fire

A1.1 | 300 Headwords | Original

Jane Cadwallader

Uncle Jack and the children have fun in Australia and help save some koalas from a dangerous forest fire. 
When Uncle Jack and the children go to Australia for Christmas with Uncle Peter, they are very excited. Uncle Peter is a vet and looks after sick or injured koalas. The children explore an Australian forest, but climate change has made forest fires very dangerous. Suddenly, the children, Uncle Peter, and Uncle Jack find themselves in the middle of a frightening fire. Can they save the koalas?

Vocabulary areas: animals, the world around us, the body and the face
Language and structures: Past simple regular and irregular; Must / mustn’t; Comparatives of adjectives -er, as … as, the best, adverbs; Can /can’t; Verb + inf; When clauses; Go for a + noun; Good at + noun; Expressions: Welcome! Hooray! Koalas are my favourite animal. Wait and see. Don’t worry. Suddenly … Finally … In the end… It was time to … It’s O.K. Let’s go! What’s the matter?

Climate | Nature | Family | Helping animals

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TitleISBN code
Title Uncle Jack and the Forest Fire ISBN code
ISBN 9788853645692


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